Did you know that when a person who is not licensed attempts to break in to break into their own home, business, or car, they can be convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony? If it is your first offense, it will simply be a misdemeanor. But if it is your second, it could, in fact, be a felony! We at JC Manhattan Locksmiths have NC Locksmith License #2137, which means we are legally able to provide you with the locksmith services you are looking for, whether your case is commercial, automotive, or residential in nature. And while we wouldn’t be opposed to that law being taken a few notches down in terms of severity, we want you to know about the risks that come along with breaking into your own home or vehicle, as silly as it sounds.

The long and the short of it, as far as we see it, is that it’s a strange law — but it is what it is at this point. But on the other hand, calling in a professional locksmith who doesn’t charge you an arm and a leg to perform a service (day or night) isn’t so bad of a thing.

Who We Are

While we are talking about our locksmith services, we might as well take the opportunity to tell you a little bit about our local locksmith team. First of all, you should know that we serve Spring Lake, Fort Bragg, Fayetteville, and the surrounding North Carolina region. We offer 24/7 locksmith services for homes, vehicles, and commercial needs. We pride ourselves on being available whenever you need us.

It seems like locking yourself out of house or car always happens at the worst possible moment. With JC Manhattan Locksmith on call, we are able to quickly and affordably solve your issue!

Why Your New Year’s Resolution Should Be About Securing your Home

We offer a lot of residential locksmith services, from house lockouts to installing high-security locks, masterkey systems, bump-key resistant locks, cabinet locks, and even deadbolt installation.

But in today’s post, as the title no doubt gave away, we are discussing why homeowners in the Fayetteville region (and beyond) should consider making home security a priority in the year 2019. Truth be told, we don’t really care if you formally make it a “resolution” or not; our point is that it might be time to think about changing out the locks on your house. Here’s a few reasons why:

  • You’ve recently lost your keys – You don’t know where you lost them, you just know they are no longer around. For all you know, they are just as likely to be in the hands of a dangerous stranger as they are in the innards of your favorite loveseat in your living room.
  • General wear and tear – This thing all devours: time. Just like anything else, locksmiths fall prey to the wear and tear caused by time. It might just be a case improving your front or backdoor’s functionality, if, for example, your door wasn’t opening or closing as smoothly as usual. Otherwise, your lock might fail. And by no means are we trying to instill fear into the situation — we just want you to know that changing your locks isn’t the worst idea in the world if it’s been five to ten years. Give us a call at the first sign of wear and tear on your home or place of business’ locks.
  • Your situation has changed – The final reason we’d like to note is if your personal situation has recently altered. Whether it has to do with a significant other (whom you’d prefer not to have popping in at their own leisure) moving out of your home or had to fire an unpredictable employee at your place of work, there are some fairly obvious times when it would be appropriate to completely change out your locks.

Contact Us

We’d encourage you to take some time to check out the state of your locks on your home and/or business. Think about the reasons we listed above and if any of them might apply to you. We want you to be safe and sound here at JC Manhattan Locksmith, and a big way we can make that happen is by letting our readers know the knowledge we’ve gained over the 32 years we’ve been performing locksmith services!

Give us a call any time of the day or night! (We’d prefer if you called us during the daytime, however, if it’s not an emergency!) Get an instant quote right now.