Nothing is as frustrating as getting locked out of your house. Whether you’ve lost your keys or simply forgot them, the last thing you probably want to do is pay for a locksmith to come by and get you into your home. So, if you ever are in a situation where you are locked out, we have a few lists of ideas to try to get you in your home:

  • Prevent it from happening in the first place.

One thing you can do is to make sure this doesn’t happen in the first place. Leave a spare house key with a family member, friend, or neighbor. You may also want to consider purchasing a hide-a-key item that will hide your key and look like another household item, like a decoration or a rock. Avoid putting your spare key under your doormat or in a potted plant because that can easily be figured out by someone trying to rob your home.

  • Check for unlocked doors and windows.

If you are at the point where you’ve been locked out, and no one has your spare house key, check around your home for any unlocked doors and windows. If you happen to find an open window, first make sure you remove the screen and try to put any objects right near the window, over to the side. As you make your way through the window, take care where you step and carefully get up as you may be a little disoriented.

  • Use your credit card.

Depending on the type of door you have, you might be able to use your credit card to jimmy the door open. While it may not work for your more secure, sturdy front door, it might work for a side door. Get a laminated card or credit card to swipe your card through the crack in your door jam while jiggling the doorknob. Be careful which card you use, though, as doing this may damage it and require you to request a new one from your card company.

  • Call your landlord.

If you are lucky enough to rent in this situation, reach out to your landlord for help. With any luck, they will be willing to come by your place and let you in. If you live in an apartment, visit the leasing office to get you back into your home. Keep in mind many complexes have fees if they have to let you back into your home.

If you are still locked out, it’s time to call a locksmith. If you are in or around the Fayetteville area, contact us at JC Manhattan Locksmiths for 24-hour service.