With people spending more and more time in their own homes, they tend to let their guard down when it comes to home and backyard safety. Staying home is not an excuse for leaving your house unlocked or letting other people have access to your belongings or your family. In fact, it may be even more important to keep your home safe while you are home. We compiled a few of our favorite tips for staying safe while you are home. With all the monitoring and systems available, people often forget the importance of protecting your home with you in it.

Lock The Doors

Just because you are in your home, doesn’t mean you are standing guard and protecting your home. Most of the time, when in your home, you will be busy with work, chores, children, and other things. Since you are not going to be watching the doors of your home, let your locks do their job. Make it a habit of keeping your doors and windows locked even when you are home. Many people don’t think about it, but if your car is parked in the garage and you are home, it may not look like anyone is there, this can certainly set you up for an unpleasant experience.

Use Your Security System

Your security system is meant to keep you safe; however, it cannot do this if you don’t turn it on and use it. Making sure that your security system is active at all times is very important. One great example is if you are in the backyard enjoying the back part of your home. If you leave the front of the house subject to a break-in, you may never even hear what is happening. Let your security system work for you at all times; you paid for it; you may as well utilize its benefits.

Take Away The Spare Keys

If you are spending quite a bit of time at home, why are you still hiding that key on your front porch? There is just no reason for it when you are in the house. The spare key is known to be an easy way for an unwelcomed visitor to get into your home. When you leave the key out while you are sitting in your home, it can be very dangerous.

Install A Video Doorbell

Installing a video doorbell will give you a clear look as to who is at your front door. This can be very important as you should not be opening the door if you do not know who it is. The video system allows the alert to be sent directly to the phone. This helps in the situation that you don’t have to approach the front door in any way. If there is a problem happening at the front door, this alert will give you the time you need to prepare a safety plan for yourself. This is not the case with a traditional doorbell situation where you have to answer the door and open it to see who is there.

There are ways to make sure you and your family stay safe while at home. It’s just a few simple steps. So many people worry about taking care of their home when they are not there that they commonly forget how important it is to protect it when they are there.