With the summer quickly approaching, everyone wants to spend more time in their backyard. This is a great thing, and in North Carolina, there is no doubt our summers will be filled with barbeques and pool parties. However, you will want to make sure that you and your family are safe in your backyard. Here are a few tips to secure the back of your home just as well as secure the front.


If you have a gate in the back of your house or on the side, it should be secured with a lock. There are many different lock options for this situation. Sometimes a code will be the simplest as you may be coming and going from this area quite often.


Have some lights in your backyard. They can be motion-sensing lights or just simple solar landscape lights that illuminate the backyard at night. The brighter it is back there, the less tempting it will be for an uninvited guest.


Keeping security cameras in the back of your home is going to be just as important as keeping them in the front. If you are going to purchase security cameras at all, you should include the back yard in your plan.

Back Door Locks

Locksmiths see this quite often. People will purchase six deadbolts and two high-quality locks for their front door but that not even lock their back door. Your lock on your back door should be a high-quality lock. When a burglar sees a high-quality lock, they will sometimes change their mind at that point. This will undoubtedly be worth your investment.

Security Signs

This is an old trick of the trade, but it does prove to be effective. Install a small sign in your back yard that says there is a security system installed. This sign will make unwanted visitors think twice about trying to enter the home; if the alarm goes off, there is a high chance they could get caught. If you can afford it, installing a security system is a great way to keep the entire house secured.

Wireless Alarm System

This is a bit more of an expensive way to monitor your backyard, but you can install a wireless alarm that will keep the perimeter of your home safe. These wireless alarms would track any movement around your property and give you the upper hand if someone were to try to enter your home or yard unexpectedly.


If you live in a two-story home, do not leave ladders around. Burglars know that people can become lazy about locking second-story windows. They will use the ladder to enter, and you will feel even worse knowing you helped them get in. Put the ladders in the garage.

Keeping your backyard safe is not difficult, but it takes just as much time and attention as the front yard. If you want us to take a look at the locks that you have in place and tell you if they are high quality or if you need replacement, give us a call today.