Welcome back! Here at JC Manhattan Locksmiths, a top locksmith in ManhattanKS, we’re offering tips on how to increase your home security. Last week we talked about keys and locks. Today, we’ll go over some information regarding doors and windows.

First, remember that the doors and windows of your home are the easiest point of entry for an intruder. A good investment for your doors are ones constructed out of steel or solid wood. Hollow wood doors can easily be kicked in. When installing your doors, be sure to install them with the hinges inside the door so that the hinges cannot be easily removed. Watch out for gaps between doors and frames, as these gaps can make it easier for prying. Another excellent investment is doors installed with a high security deadbolt. If you choose to go with deadbolts, don’t forget about your back door and the door connecting your house to the garage. Speaking of your garage, make sure when you arrive home and close the garage that you watch it shut. This way someone cannot sneak into the garage while the door is closing.

If you’ve got a sliding back door, a great way to reinforce it is by placing a solid wood or metal rod on the inside track. For your windows, make sure they can all be locked securely. During summer months, when you go to bed at night, don’t leave ground floor windows open or unlocked.