We’re Here When You Need Us Most

You are never locked out when it is convenient! Lock outs of any kind can be incredibly frustrating, but what makes the whole situation even worse is the fact that they never happen when it is convenient for you. People always tend to get locked out in the middle of...

Our Locksmiths Are Auto-matic

Hello Manhattan KS, This is your car keys. I’m sitting in the console where you set us, as you were rushing into work this morning. The car doors automatically locked us in after 30 seconds, so it looks like you might need some help getting us out of here....

Deadbolt Your Home

Hello, This is your front door deadbolt. I’ve noticed recently that you’re not locking me when you leave the house. I know that it’s an extra step and can seem like an extra hassle, but there are more reasons to exercise caution than to throw it to the wind (and...

The Key To A Great Locksmith in Manhattan, KS

Hello, This is your spare key that you’ve been hiding under the welcome mat of your front door. I am writing to let you know that JC Manhattan Locksmith has very affordable prices, friendly agents, and fast service, so you don’t have to risk a stranger using me to...