Understanding Transponder Car Keys

Nowadays, all cars have transponder keys – big key fobs with lock/unlock buttons, alarm buttons, and more. This means that if you are locked out of your car, it is crucial to get a locksmith with auto experience. The properly-experienced locksmith will be able...

4 Myths About Locksmiths Busted

Locksmiths have the ability to get where other people cannot: locked spaces. It is important for you to understand locksmiths and the discrepancies that can pop up when you need one. These are some of the myths that can mislead customers of locksmiths. Myth 1: All...

Where Should You Hide Your Extra House Key?

It is very tempting to sacrifice security for convenience. However, putting a spare house key in place where you can easily access it means that someone else can access it, too. And no matter how clever you think you are, we can guarantee someone else has done it …...